Fine Strings offers a selection of new and antique violins, violas and cellos and their bows suitable for beginner (including small sizes for children) to professional quality. Many accessories including strings and cases are also available.
As stock is constantly changing, please contact Olivia to find out what is currently available and to book an appointment.
All instruments are carefully set up and checked for optimum playing quality before going on sale and can be taken on trial before purchase.
Should you be looking for an instrument hand made by Olivia, here are some examples of Olivia Pelling instruments, which can be purchased and/or commissioned. Models not seen on this page are still welcomed should you have a different vision of what your dream instrument may be whether they may be Student Models, Violins, Violas, or Cellos.
Musical instruments are delicate and require careful handling. Feel free to download and print a copy of my “Stringed Instrument Care and Maintenance” outline to ensure your instrument receives the attention it deserves.